September Newsletter: Back to the Grind after the Summer Break
You know your meeting schedule has been a bit empty throughout the summer, but now September has rolled around, and everyone is back to the grind and trying to build their momentum again. It happens every year. Schools, colleges, universities, and kindergartens will be burning their meeting systems at both ends throughout September as they […]
Amie Laura Parnaby
September 5, 2022
Parent and Teacher Conference Scheduling – It’s so much easier to do it online.
Every parent, at some point, has to have a parent and teacher conference. Usually, they happen at least once or twice a year, which can be stressful for the parents. However, no one thinks about how stressful and difficult it is to arrange meetings with parents for a whole class of students. It gets even […]
Amie Laura Parnaby
August 31, 2022
Student Guidance & Counselling in Schools & Colleges – Self-Scheduling for Support & Privacy
Student guidance in schools is almost always available but underutilised by students through fear and the potential for ridicule or reprisals. One reason for hesitance in using the school guidance and support system can be its integration with the regular school hierarchy. Students are concerned that their use of the school support system might get […]
Amie Laura Parnaby
August 18, 2022
Your Meeting Scheduler: Making the Most of it
Whether you have already signed up or are still doing your research, it’s good to know how you can make the most out of your meeting scheduler. You can access the freemium version for individuals without charge forever, but what if you expand and need teams? At the same time, if you’re using the […]
Amie Laura Parnaby
August 10, 2022
Write an Interview Invitation Email – Create a Welcoming Template
Have you ever wondered how to write an interview invitation email that reflects your company ethos, makes people engage in the interview process, and love the idea of working with you? Yes, it’s a lot to fit into a brief email inviting someone to an interview. However, in most cases, it will be the first […]
Amie Laura Parnaby
July 7, 2022
June Newsletter – is steaming into Summer with some hot releases
Well, do we have some exciting new developments and releases for you this scorching June? We are on FIRE! Okay, not literally, because some of the fires here in Cyprus have been pretty awful – just one of the drawbacks of living in a hot, dry country. And while the weather is just starting to […]
Amie Laura Parnaby
July 4, 2022
Self-Scheduling for Interviews – Here’s why it’s more efficient
When you manage the company’s HR and recruitment function, have you ever wanted to make the process more streamlined and efficient? Of course, you have. No one wants to go through the process of filtering resumés and then having to play the interview scheduling dance with perhaps more than a dozen candidates. You already know […]
Amie Laura Parnaby
June 29, 2022
Best Online Collaboration Platforms in 2022
The past two years have taught us one thing we should have known already. Remote working and working from home are just as effective, if not more so, than working in an office. The Covid event made sure to put the online collaboration platforms on their toes to make the distributed workforce more efficient and […]
Amie Laura Parnaby
June 24, 2022
10 Top Tips for Engaging Virtual Meetings
As the world is starting to return to a new sense of normality after over two years of the Corona Virus Pandemic, there are many changes to get things back to ‘normal’. For the past two years, working from home has been the norm for most office-based employees, including remote meetings, and a vastly different […]
Daena Skinner
June 16, 2022 May Newsletter – Hot Weather and Hotter Updates.
Here in sunny Cyprus, we have well and truly arrived in Summer. The last days of May and the first few days of June brought us a tremendous heatwave that we were not expecting. It’s officially HOT! And we have some even hotter updates to the meeting scheduler and even more to look forward […]
Amie Laura Parnaby
June 7, 2022