Home What customers say Case Study: Kareem Ibrahim at Battista Migration Law Group 
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Case Study: Kareem Ibrahim at Battista Migration Law Group 

Amie Laura Parnaby
March 9, 2023
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Kareem Ibrahim @ Battista Migration Law Group - Case Study

We like to keep up with our clients. Specifically, we want to highlight some of our interesting users to demonstrate the use case of SimplyMeet.me to new and potential users. Our user today is a lawyer working with Battista Migration Law Group in Toronto. Like many users, this has started with a single person using and reviewing the scheduling software. Our contact is Kareem Ibrahim (They/Them).

Kareem is an Associate Lawyer with Battista Migration Law Group. They are fluent in French and Spanish and are passionate about helping marginalised individuals facing immigration challenges. Their legal practice includes a wide range of immigration and refugee files, including refugee claims, applications for judicial review at the Federal Court, applications for permanent residence based on humanitarian and compassionate grounds, and pre-removal risk assessments.

Kareem is currently a member of the Refugee Lawyers Association of Ontario (RLA), the Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers (CARL), the Canadian Immigration Lawyers Association (CILA), and the Canadian Bar Association.

Introduction to Battista Migration Law Group

As Canadian immigration lawyers based in Toronto, they understand the immigration terrain has become increasingly complex to navigate. With over 26 years of experience in Canadian immigration law, their expertise is recognised across Canada and internationally. They are advocates for those who need them the most. However, they don’t stop there; they are also advocates for change, community leaders, teachers, and perhaps, more importantly, immigrants.

Law Shapers, 

Battista Lawyers have been instrumental in changing Canadian immigration law. They have appeared before the House of Commons and Senate to address changes to the definition of ‘family’ to include same-sex and queer families. They have also appeared before Parliamentary Standing Committees on immigration issues to advocate removing medical inadmissibility from Canadian law. 

Community Leaders,

Working closely with community organisations, they lead legal information seminars on topics related to refugees, sponsorship, appeals, risk assessments, removal orders, and other services to new immigrants. Their offices were the birthplace of Rainbow Railroad, an international LGBTQ refugee support organisation.


They act as adjunct faculty at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Law and School of Public Policy and Governance. Battista regularly provides papers and presentations at legal conferences throughout Canada and internationally. They are helping to shape the next generation of lawyers in Canada.


Nothing makes someone more trustworthy than the knowledge that they know your struggle. Battista proudly offers diverse staff who understand the immigrant experience. As they say, “The migration experience is in our DNA.”

The Interview (with Kareem Ibrahim of Battista Migration Law Group)

Q: Please explain in a few words what your business, Battista Migration Law Group, does and who your primary clients are

A: At Battista Migration Law Group, we provide our clients the means to immigrate to Canada temporarily or permanently. From refugee claims and criminal inadmissibility applications to Start-Up Visas and study permits, we do everything under the sun related to Canadian refugee law, immigration law, and citizenship law. Our clients are all around the world and mainly in Canada.

Q: How do you market your business? Do you get new clients via word of mouth? Do you advertise on or use other channels, e.g. referrals?

A: We use social media, SEO marketing, and word of mouth.

Q: What are the main challenges of running a business like Migration Law?

A: The variable flow of incoming clientele can be challenging, as we sometimes need to refuse clients due to our full caseload, and other times we have the capacity for a few more clients.

Q: What did your booking process look like before using SimplyMeet.me, and how do you use it now? 

A: I include my SimplyMeet.me link in my email signature, and both the Intake Coordinator and I send the meeting booking links to clients whenever I am prepared to meet with them.

Q: What challenges and objectives led you to look for a booking solution?

A: Manual meeting scheduling is obsolete and a total waste of time!

Q: Has SimplyMeet.me met your expectations – does it solve your needs?

A: It has exceeded my expectations and totally solved my needs. I am so content!

Q: Is there something that you feel SimplyMeet.me is missing – in terms of features/solutions?

A: Not right now.

Q: Do you feel that using a booking system saves you time?

A: 110%.

Q: Did you need any help setting up the system, and if so, were you happy with the service you received?

A: Not at this time.

Q: Do you find it easy to manage the system after setup?

A: Very much so.

Q: Have you downloaded our admin app? If so, do you find it efficient?

A: No.

Q: Would you recommend the system to your friends/associates?

A: I already have begun doing so.

How Kareem Ibrahim uses SimplyMeet.me

As a free user of SimplyMeet.me, Kareem is in the perfect position to use the system to manage their time and schedule. The Free version of SimplyMeet.me is very generous regarding the features available. Kareem is a relatively new user of SimplyMeet.me, and has not yet used the system’s full potential, even for the free version, so we will catch up with them later to see how they will continue to use the meeting scheduler.

March Newsletter: Spring has Sprung already at SimplyMeet.me
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