Home What customers say Case Study: La Clinique Financière
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Case Study: La Clinique Financière

Amie Laura Parnaby
March 28, 2023
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La Clinique Financière Case Study

We like to keep up with our clients. Specifically, we want to highlight some of our interesting users to demonstrate the use case of SimplyMeet.me to new and potential users. Our company today is a French business, La Clinique Financière. It’s an interesting case study because this company was previously a Harmonizely user and has transitioned to SimplyMeet.me. Moreover, they are certainly using the extra features available with SimplyMeet.me.

If you don’t speak French, La Clinique Financière is an independent group of financial advisors. They provide solid financial management and guidance on organisation, selection, and achieving financial goals to people who are interested in their financial health and that of their loved ones. 

In their own words (translated from French), they provide the following:


We take the time to listen to you and understand your needs in order to serve you better.


A team of experienced advisers and professionals at your service, not beginners


Each person is important, and our efforts are aimed at developing a fruitful relationship with each of them.


Our compensation structure is aligned with our clients’ long-term goals.


Humility and honour stimulate us, and we work to establish a climate of trust with each of our clients.


We take care of our clients and don’t hesitate to give them the necessary time to complete the projects.

The Interview with Lawrence Shaw

Q: What does La Clinique Financière do, and who are your main clients?

A: We provide financial advice and investments for our clients.

Our clients are mainly families with grown-up kids and small business owners who seek tax-smart performant investments.

Q: How do you market your business? 

We gain new clients mainly through word of mouth.

Q: What are the main challenges of running a business like yours?

Automation of workflow

Q: What did your booking process look like before using SimplyMeet.me, and how do you use it now?

I was a Harmonizely user; before that, my assistant made phone calls.

Q: What challenges and objectives led you to look for a booking solution?

Back and forth to agree on a moment, time management. 

Q: Has SimplyMeet.me met your expectations – does it solve your needs?

Actually yes

Q: What is your favourite thing about SimplyMeet.me?

Multiple languages, ease of use

Q: Is there something that you feel SimplyMeet.me is missing – in terms of features/solutions?

I’m not sure. Perhaps an integration option with our CRM would be helpful.

Q: Do you feel that using a booking system saves you time?


Q: Did you need any help setting the system up, and if so, were you happy with the support you received?

Yes, I did need a little help. And yes, I was pleased with the service.

Q: Do you find it easy to manage the system after setup?


Q: Have you downloaded our admin app? If so, do you find it efficient?

If you mean the mobile app, then yes. And we do find it efficient. 

Q: Would you recommend the system to your friends/associates?


How La Clinique Financière Uses SimplyMeet.me

As La Clinique Financière has used a scheduling system before, they understand their scheduling requirements well. This means they could explore the features available in SimplyMeet.me and choose accordingly to meet their needs.


As a company, La Clinique Financière has multiple users with differing specialities and scheduling requirements. So for efficient management, they have enabled the organisation mode that allows users to work together and manage their own schedules.

With organisation mode enabled, they have used their branding by adding avatars, brand colours, and logos. Taking it even further, they have white-labelled the URL and have a custom domain name, https://calendrier.lacliniquefinanciere.com/. This is an excellent way to show your clients that you are there for the long term. 

As they mentioned in the interview, one of their favourite aspects is the ability to use multiple languages. In addition to multi-language availability, they have chosen to adapt some of the wording on the booking page with custom translations.


SimplyMeet.me has something that few others offer: CalDav calendar integration. This is perfect for La Clinique Financière as they use this calendar type.

For online meetings with clients, they use Zoom video calling exclusively. Many people like Zoom over other video-calling platforms.


La Clinique Financière has two team meeting (round-robin) types that enable clients to schedule appointments with the next available financial advisor rather than scroll through calendars to find the next one available for booking. 

For better preparation and up-to-date advice for clients, they have enabled the minimum and maximum amount of time before booking appointments. The minimum time before booking an appointment allows advisors enough time to prepare, while the maximum time ensures that any advice is timely and not outdated. Financial markets can change quickly. In addition, they have an in-built buffer time that ensures meetings that might overrun don’t affect the day’s schedule.

They use the automated email reminder system that includes appointment confirmations, meeting reminders, and the option to contact clients for follow-up and feedback.

What is very useful is that La Clinique Financière invites clients to add additional guests to the meetings. So, if a person or couple wants to manage their finances concerning their adult children, they can ask them to join the appointment.

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