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Overcoming 6 Common Freelance Challenges

Overcoming 6 Common Freelance Challenges

The way we work is changing. Amid rapid economic changes and the growing availability of remote, more and more people are choosing to forego traditional full-time jobs and go freelance. Consequently, it’s estimated that there will be 1,57 billion freelancers working worldwide in 2023

However, just because something is popular doesn’t mean it’s easy. As a freelancer, you’re the owner, manager, and employee of your own one-man business. And as you can imagine, that comes with its fair share of challenges. 

But that’s why we’re here. In this article, we’ll break down the 6 most common freelance challenges and how to solve them. So, whether you’re an established freelancer, just looking to start out, or part of a company trying to figure out what makes your freelance workforce tick, this piece is for you. 

Solving the 6 Most Common Freelance Problems

Challenge 1: Finding the Right Clients for You

Unless you have a long-term arrangement with your client(s), ensuring a steady revenue stream for your freelance business can be very difficult. And clearly, that’s a problem, because you need to put food on the table somehow. 

The good news is that there are plenty of freelancing job posting sites nowadays, UpWork being one of the most popular options. Here you can find available projects and send your pitch, or create a portfolio, advertise your services, and wait for clients to come to you.

The bad news is that doing this doesn’t necessarily guarantee you getting any work. Furthermore, projects from UpWork and similar sites don’t tend to boast the biggest pay-check, though it can still be a good place to get started. But if you want to take your freelancing business to the next level, try the following steps:

Pro tip:
Easily schedule your client meetings as a freelancer with Simplymeet.

Challenge 2: Setting Appropriate Rates

So, you’ve found someone willing to take you on for a project. The question is, how much should you charge? Ask for too little, and you might devalue your work too much and struggle to make ends meet. But ask for too much, and the client might choose to drop you. Unfortunately, there’s no right answer for everyone, but these steps can help you find your price. 

Challenge 3: Managing Finances Efficiently

Even small businesses need to manage their finances to stay efficient. In truth, there’s a lot to worry about. From tracking time, income, and expenses for tax purposes, issuing invoices, quotes, and estimates; to keeping tabs on late payers.

Thankfully, nowadays, you don’t have to do any of this by hand and automate a great deal of your book-keeping with invoicing software for freelancers. Although finding one that’ll work for you might take a bit more effort, it’ll be all well worth it in the end. Here are just a few of the benefits:

Diving into the entire process would take too much time, and since we value your time, we won’t dilute this article too much. In short, here are the 8 steps you should take when looking for a freelance invoicing or book-keeping solution for your freelance business.

1. Specify Your Needs
2. Set a Budget
3. Read Reviews
4. Value Ease of Use
5. Consider Security
6. Check for Compatibility with Other Tools
7. Look for Great Customer Support
8. Combine It All & Choose the Best Package

If you’re searching for the top productivity tools for freelancers, read this article.

Challenge 4: Balancing Work & Personal Life

One of the biggest freelance challenges is finding the right balance between your work and personal life. On the one hand, you can work anytime and anywhere you like. On the other hand, that means you never really clock out and end up working all the time. 

If you’ve freelanced for any time, this’ll sound familiar. You’re out with friends or your family when suddenly your phone beeps. It’s a message from a client, and just like that, you’ve been forcefully pulled out of the moment and into “work mode”. Or possibly, your freelance problem is the opposite; try as you might, you can’t focus on work at all.

Whatever the case, here are some freelancer life hacks to help you overcome these issues:

Challenge 5: Keeping Mentally Healthy

Continuing from the previous topic, mental health is one of freelancers’ biggest problems. Unsurprisingly, you don’t tend to have too many opportunities to socialize as a one-man show working from home. Unless, of course, your pets or the voices in your headcount.

Thankfully, there are several things you can do to help you maintain mental health while keeping you professionally efficient. This includes joining online communities of other professionals from your field, working from a co-working space at least once a week, or getting involved with your local conferencing scene. 

Challenge 6: Dealing with Difficult Clients (and Coworkers)

The last common freelancer challenge we’ll tackle in this article is one that can potentially throw the biggest wrench into your operations – other people. Unlike software and processes, humans don’t tend to be logical or reasonable. But as always, there are a few ways you can deal even with the most difficult clients and coworkers. 

Learn how to generate more leads for your freelance business.

Summing Up:

Clearly, despite its popularity, the freelancing lifestyle isn’t the walk in the park it might first seem. Then again, nothing ever is, and the sense of freedom and personal accomplishment might well be worth dealing with these common freelance challenges. 

And with the solutions to freelancer problems outlined in this article, you should be ready to make this lifestyle work for you and thrive, not just survive. Remember to take your job seriously, respect your clients, and value your time and expertise. Use every tool available to your advantage, and don’t forget to take care of yourself.

Author Bio:

Rudolf Marejka
Freelance Copywriter

Rudolf Marejka works as a freelance content specialist for global startups.

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